You can't live like this anymore.
At this point you don’t even know what the fights are about anymore. But you do know that your anger, resentment and frustration continues to grow with each argument.
You dread the tension at home so you find reasons to work late and avoid the nightly drama.
You ignore your emotions since you’ve been told you’re “too sensitive”. You’re scared if you say anything it’ll lead to another fight.
After a big blowout, you act like nothing happened...until the next fight a few days later.
Lately, you realize that sweeping everything under the rug won’t work any longer.
You’ve had one foot out the door for a long time; whenever you’re angry you check Zillow for an apartment since you can’t do this much longer.
At this point, being together makes you feel more alone. You don’t remember the last time it felt like your partner actually had your back.
It feels like you barely know each other anymore; you don’t have anything in common and question how it’ll be when the kids leave home.
You miss the laughter, joy and excitement that you used to share.
The hurt doesn’t have to define your relationship.
When you pick a partner, you pick a story, and that story becomes the life you live.
You want peace in the relationship so that enjoy being together again.
You want to feel secure so that you can be independent and deeply connected with your partner, at the same time.
You’re want to grow together as your desires, bodies and needs change in each new phase of life.
Imagine a relationship where you’re safe to be vulnerable with your partner. A relationship filled with love, support and flexibility so that you can face life’s challenges together.
You’re ready to face past hurts so that you can build a foundation based on trust, respect and understanding.
Imagine you’re excited to see each other at the end of the day so you get home early to spend more time together.
You want to learn how to communicate so that you can speak and listen with openness and honesty to help meet each other’s needs.
You want a new relationship, with the same person.
It’s possible to move forward together.
I use a combination of holistic and scientific practices so that your needs as an individual and as a couple are met in our work together.
Through the use of talk therapy, mindfulness and somatic exercises you’ll each gain insight as individuals and how this relates to your role in the relationship. As a couple you’ll learn how to communicate, connect and support each other in the present moment so that you experience a new way to interact.
This process will help you to see and understand your partner in a new light.
We’ll work together to uncover belief systems and behavior patterns that no longer serve you so that you can break out of old roles that neither of you want to play anymore.
We’ll work to create changes that lead to a bond founded on peace, loyalty and safety with one another.
It’s possible to create the relationship you desire. Let’s get you there.
I believe in the power of openness, compassion and acceptance to grow and learn together.
Together, you’ll write the story of your relationship.
We’ll tap into your strengths as a couple so that you can experience intimacy that leads to feeling fully alive within your relationship and with this world.
Peaceful Prana Therapy is a place where you come to feel understood, explore your deepest desires and share what you've held inside for so long.